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We go

In a however strong degree to not think began for the man the second nature, It is visible even from character his(its) usual общений with the environmental people. The conversation with itself similar, it(he) watches(keeps up) adhering general(common) The remarks and to not transform conversation into the valid exchange of ideas. It(he) has no It is more than anything and even tests in some sort fear, that from him(it) This can be required.

The spirit caused by a society(community) separated, appears at us as Constantly getting stronger force. At us develops simplified representation about The man. In others and in to ourselves we search only of diligence of the worker and To be agree almost by nothing moreover.

From the point of view of not free existence and dissociation most Adversely there were conditions of life of the population of the large cities. Accordingly it is more subject to threat spiritual decline. Whether were Large cities ever by cultural centres in the sense that in them The ideal of the man who has risen up to a level of the spiritual person arose? Nowadays, Anyway, the rule(situation) of things is those, that original culture it is necessary To rescue from spirit of corruption outgoing from the large cities and their inhabitants.

We lose feeling of relationship with near and we fall by such By image on a way of antihumanity. When the consciousness, that any man disappears To us in any measure is not indifferent as the man, then the foundations are loosened Cultures and ethics. The recourse of humanity in this case is only question Time.

In every possible way indicated concerning the unfamiliar people Highly and indifference are not perceived any more as displays internal The roughnesses, and are qualified as secular behaviour. And Our society(community) has ceased to recognize behind all people, as such, Human value and human advantage. The certain part Mankinds became for us a human material, things..............



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